Picture above shows Trad Casey's lovely Standard 9 car during a club display at Abbotsbury Sub Tropical Gardens in August 2023
Contact the TOY Club.
Club Management 2024/25 Contact Details.
Chairman & Secretary | Carle Grahame | 01305 771760 |
Vice Chairman & Magazine Editor | Nick Aplin | 01305 260038 |
Treasurer | Andy Collier | 01305 775136 |
Membership Secretary | Sally Williams | 01305 778539 |
Events / Regalia Secretary | Martin Hain | 01305 771760 |
Website Editor | TBA | TBA |
The Club holds its AGM in May every year during their club meeting, its not as official as other club AGM's, as we are a very relaxed club and the business side of the AGM is usually over within 30 minutes! We often round off the evening with a guest or a Quiz or jokes that are given to the Chairman to read out! The club welcomes any member or members to organise any event for its fellow members .
Members of the Management can also be contacted via the form below: