Picture above shows a line up of Commercials at the 2021 Christmas Steam & Vehicle Meet held in the Top o ' Town car park in Dorchester.
TOY Club Event Reports.

The 9th Sun Inn meet
Was held on surprisingly enough a dry sunny day despite days of rain leading up to the day ! This year we had a great turn out of Vehicles and machinery that totalled just over 30 ! Two Steam vehicles roaded into the Sun car park from Dorchester, one being Andy and Sam Spracklen with their Mann Steam Wagon, a great vehicle on its first visit to this event. Another engine that steamed in was Karl Burden's Burrell Showman's engine, a regular supporter of this event.
Steve Westaway from Dorchester brought along his Tasker engine and we had Trad Casey with his small steam engine to add to the line up. It was nice to welcome Jim Gerrad again with his display of model steam engines. Among the cars, we had Carle's 1935 Beardmore Taxi still in its wedding ribbons following club member Graham Curtis wedding the day before. Andy Collier's little Mini Pick Up always comes complete with holly on the front grill ! Andy Symes brought along his Ford Anglia and was joined by Mike Mills with his 1957 A35.
Rather unusual was a stationary engine built into a ride on lawn mower, this was driving around the car park, nice to see this and the other engines running in the gravel car park. Another regular vehicle was the Scammel lorry owned by Mr Lee from Dorchester. We also had a nice Triumph Motorcycle, two Jeep's and a couple of LandRover's. Will Aplin drove out with his 990 David Brown tractor to add to the line up. The Dorset Car Club supported again this year with a few vehicles, so it was nice to see them again join us. Everyone seemed to enjoy the usual festive meet, we look forward to the 10th Meet in 2014 when we hope to have back a larger steam engine ! SEE NICK APLINS FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MORE PHOTOS
Was held on surprisingly enough a dry sunny day despite days of rain leading up to the day ! This year we had a great turn out of Vehicles and machinery that totalled just over 30 ! Two Steam vehicles roaded into the Sun car park from Dorchester, one being Andy and Sam Spracklen with their Mann Steam Wagon, a great vehicle on its first visit to this event. Another engine that steamed in was Karl Burden's Burrell Showman's engine, a regular supporter of this event.
Steve Westaway from Dorchester brought along his Tasker engine and we had Trad Casey with his small steam engine to add to the line up. It was nice to welcome Jim Gerrad again with his display of model steam engines. Among the cars, we had Carle's 1935 Beardmore Taxi still in its wedding ribbons following club member Graham Curtis wedding the day before. Andy Collier's little Mini Pick Up always comes complete with holly on the front grill ! Andy Symes brought along his Ford Anglia and was joined by Mike Mills with his 1957 A35.
Rather unusual was a stationary engine built into a ride on lawn mower, this was driving around the car park, nice to see this and the other engines running in the gravel car park. Another regular vehicle was the Scammel lorry owned by Mr Lee from Dorchester. We also had a nice Triumph Motorcycle, two Jeep's and a couple of LandRover's. Will Aplin drove out with his 990 David Brown tractor to add to the line up. The Dorset Car Club supported again this year with a few vehicles, so it was nice to see them again join us. Everyone seemed to enjoy the usual festive meet, we look forward to the 10th Meet in 2014 when we hope to have back a larger steam engine ! SEE NICK APLINS FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MORE PHOTOS

This years December club meeting was well attended with members having an evening of entertainment and the annual BIG raffle.
The GRAHAMS sang and played for the members providing a cabaret of comedy and music.
A very special thank you to Diane who despite feeling ill gave a first class performance in the true spirit of THE SHOW MUST GO ON .

Transport Of Yesteryear normally hold their Annual Christmas Meal on a Sunday lunch time,this year however it was decided to hold it on a Saturday evening.
Last Saturday December 7th was the date and at 7pm, 54 members sat down to enjoy a first class meal in the Wishing Well restaurant in the grounds of the historic Wishing Well at Upwey. The change to an evening meal seemed very popular with our members.
The entire evening was very successful with all members enjoying great food,good service and great hospitality,and of course all in great company.
Our grateful thanks to Pauline and all her excellent staff staff at the Wishing Well Restaurant.

This beautifully restored machine once spent its days up to its axles in mud and worked hard in the fields and farms of England, Now the old girl has been restored to her former glory she is a prize winner at the Dorset County show....Well done Will
Will Aplin at the controls of this agricultural winner.
Will Aplin at the controls of this agricultural winner.

November club night
Was very well attended at the Lugger Inn "Oak Room" Chickerell. Following,the Club business which included presenting our cheque for £1000 to the DORSET AND SOMERSET AIR AMBULANCE money raised by the clubs annual show.
Also reminders to members to get their Menu choices in to Diane for the TOY Club annual Christmas meal on Saturday evening December 7th at the Upwey Wishing Well Restaurant, also the Club New Year Party in January at the Memorial Hall Broadwey. Also a reminder to all that the very popular Sun Inn meet is the last event of the year on Sunday December 22nd from noon.
The club then enjoyed an excellent film that covered a large collection of Privately owned Steam Powered cars touring some very spectacular and picturesque parts of Scotland.The Film was shown by Jonathon Eckhart, who produced the film This was followed by the Club Raffle and the meeting ended at around 10pm.

Members of the TOY club displayed their cars at the Pavilion forecourt to support the Lyons raise funds for local charities on Saturday despite the rather gloomy weather earlier in the day as the afternoon wore on the sun shone for the many visitors who flocked to Weymouth to see this years BEACH MOTOCROSS event.

Several of our members made the Annual Pilgrimage to the Mill at Mangerton just outside of Bridport. The sun shone like a summers day in this beautiful countryside valley of tranquility and a variety of machinery including Vintage and Classic Cars,Tractors and Stationary Engines were on display.
As usual the gift shops were open and a steady stream of visitors meandered around our vehicles also taking in the lake and grounds of this special place. We like many other people enjoyed our lunch at the restaurant and sat at the tables by the River and Mill Wheel,and enjoyed very nice food sensibly priced.
This is a charity event and I hope they had a very successful day,however the day was ruined by by one Stationary Engine and its very selfish owner,who inflicted an engine which popped loudly and continuously every 15 seconds gave a loud bang like a firework going off,this echoed right through the area and you could not even escape it by going the other side of the lake. Two Classic owners refused to stay there,they stayed a short while and left.,we are all used to these little engines Chugging away but the owner of this engine should have been told to turn it off.
It truly spoilt the day for most of us,if it is there next year and running I will drive straight out,which is a great shame.It is an absolute sin to poison this beautiful place with that noise, I truly love this place and its a little Rally that I have attended and enjoyed so much over many years.
Lets hope the organisers will not allow this to happen next year.
Carle,Di and Martin.

The October meeting was a rather boozy affair with a talk by the Piddle Brewery, with samples of the beer and wort being handed out to members by Ian and Ashley at the meeting.
An overnight static display was quickly put in place as members went home by taxi , later in the evening two members were found on the esplanade with traffic cones on their heads singing rule Britannia.
JOHN OVENS MEMORIAL RUN - Sunday 22nd September 2013

John Ovens Memorial Run ( organised by Pete Walker & Kerry Day ) .
John was a well loved member of the TOY Club who sadly lost his battle against cancer. But the John Ovens Memorial run was held in his memory, with many members turning out to support the event.
Here are some pictures of this well supported event.
John was a well loved member of the TOY Club who sadly lost his battle against cancer. But the John Ovens Memorial run was held in his memory, with many members turning out to support the event.
Here are some pictures of this well supported event.

Martin and Carle at the Weldmar fete
Transport Of Yesteryear once again supported this years Annual Weldmar Hospice Fete. Opened by well known actor Martin Clunes (TV's Doc Martin) and accompanied by his lovely wife Philippa he opened the Fete and immediately presented his cheque to the Hospice with the sensational sum of "£66,000" the record amount raised by Martin at this years "Buckham Fair".Several other cheques were presented and received by Martin Clunes on behalf of Weldmar. I presented our TOY Club cheque for £600.00 being the figure raised by our annual "HARDY COUNTRY TOUR" organised by our club editor Nick Aplin and his dad Will Aplin.
This event is very kindly sponsored Mr Ron Coleman (Weatherbury Roofing),to whom we are most grateful,many thanks Ron.
The Fete as always attracted a huge number of supporters,who are always willing to support this charity and the wonderful work of the staff who offer great care with so much compassion and dignity. Martin Clunes walked around the Fete trying his hand at the various sideshows and meeting and chatting to the general public,posing for photgraphs,and at one point he was asked to hold a baby who was only a few days old for his parents to take a photo, he willingly obliged telling the mum " you have lost him now "Bye"..
We were so lucky that the weather held and everyone seemed to enjoy their day out. Of course we are limited due to space with our cars here but we did manage to squeeze one extra ,so we had seven cars on display and they were Andy and Do Ranson with their Austin 10/4,Calvin Stone with his 1962 Vauxhall Cresta,Will and Val Hampshire with their 1969 3.5 Rover Coupe,Anton Harler in his beautiful Rover,Barry Rice with his MGB GT,Martin in our Morris 1000 Convertible and yours truly in the Beardmore Taxi.
While I was talking to Phillipa Clunes she thanked me and Transport Of Yesteryear members for attending and supporting their "BUCKHAM FAIR".She added it was a popular feature of "Buckham" and asked me to pass on their sincere thanks to our members.
Unfortunately Nikki our club photographer was unable to capture our cheque presentation moment due to so many people crowding round,however she managed to arrange this photograph with Martin shortly after the presentation. Looks a bit like "Little and Large" dont you think.??
This event is very kindly sponsored Mr Ron Coleman (Weatherbury Roofing),to whom we are most grateful,many thanks Ron.
The Fete as always attracted a huge number of supporters,who are always willing to support this charity and the wonderful work of the staff who offer great care with so much compassion and dignity. Martin Clunes walked around the Fete trying his hand at the various sideshows and meeting and chatting to the general public,posing for photgraphs,and at one point he was asked to hold a baby who was only a few days old for his parents to take a photo, he willingly obliged telling the mum " you have lost him now "Bye"..
We were so lucky that the weather held and everyone seemed to enjoy their day out. Of course we are limited due to space with our cars here but we did manage to squeeze one extra ,so we had seven cars on display and they were Andy and Do Ranson with their Austin 10/4,Calvin Stone with his 1962 Vauxhall Cresta,Will and Val Hampshire with their 1969 3.5 Rover Coupe,Anton Harler in his beautiful Rover,Barry Rice with his MGB GT,Martin in our Morris 1000 Convertible and yours truly in the Beardmore Taxi.
While I was talking to Phillipa Clunes she thanked me and Transport Of Yesteryear members for attending and supporting their "BUCKHAM FAIR".She added it was a popular feature of "Buckham" and asked me to pass on their sincere thanks to our members.
Unfortunately Nikki our club photographer was unable to capture our cheque presentation moment due to so many people crowding round,however she managed to arrange this photograph with Martin shortly after the presentation. Looks a bit like "Little and Large" dont you think.??

The 2013 gathering at the country pub in Horton was a huge affair, with 37 steam engines large and small lined up for the best display I have seen here in the last four years. Crowds gathered as the evening went on and the beer and cider was flowing well ! Music throughout the evening proved interesting lets just say that !!
The engines were lit up as darkness arrived it was a great taster for the Great Dorset Steam Fair. These engines moved off the following morning heading for the Tarrant Hinton site. A most enjoyable evening was had by all. Pictures by Nick Aplin ' TOY Club Editor '
The engines were lit up as darkness arrived it was a great taster for the Great Dorset Steam Fair. These engines moved off the following morning heading for the Tarrant Hinton site. A most enjoyable evening was had by all. Pictures by Nick Aplin ' TOY Club Editor '
The September meeting was held at the Lugger Inn in Chickerell and included a talk all about the loo....by Rob Curtis. As we all know the loo was invented by Sir Thomas Crapper and was named the Night Soil house by users of the novel device....A seat was added 2 years later and 8 months after a hole was added.
Dunkerswell Wings & Wheels August 18th

This years event was again popular with the Classic car owners despite the rain showers everyone braved the weather and enjoyed the day. Several TOY members went along including Nick Wilkin with his super P6 Rover car. There were a nice lot of planes to be seen as well as cars, Military vehicles etc.
Pictures by Nick Wilkin
Pictures by Nick Wilkin

The 5th Buckham Fair was a mixture of sunshine and showers, after an early start we arrived shortly after 7.30am, 20 cars and it was a great selection of cars once again, something for everyone. When the gate opened at 9 the crowds flocked into the Fair and soon we had lots of people viewing our cars and chatting to the owners.
This year the event was supporting the Weldmar Hospice Trust, there were definitely more stalls and classes in the Dog and Pony Show this year for people to enjoy. We were delighted to welcome our guest car from Suffolk again for the third year with the lovely TR4. Everyone enjoyed the day, and no doubt we will all be looking forward to the 2014 event.
Pictures courtesy of Nick Aplin.
This year the event was supporting the Weldmar Hospice Trust, there were definitely more stalls and classes in the Dog and Pony Show this year for people to enjoy. We were delighted to welcome our guest car from Suffolk again for the third year with the lovely TR4. Everyone enjoyed the day, and no doubt we will all be looking forward to the 2014 event.
Pictures courtesy of Nick Aplin.

The 41st Purbeck Rally & Autojumble enjoyed fine weather and another fine selection of Vintage and Classic vehicles and machinery to please all ages ! TOY club members were out in force and two members won awards at this years rally, firstly congratulations to Dave and Sally Williams who were awarded BEST CAR IN SHOW with their Citeron car, secondly congratulations to Will and Vron Aplin who won BEST ORIGINAL CAR with their 1960 Hillman Minx.
There was a good show of Stationary engines and tractors plus a few steam engines and Military vehicles. The car boot and stalls kept the young and old alike entertained no doubt
Pictures by Nick Wilkin TOY Club member
There was a good show of Stationary engines and tractors plus a few steam engines and Military vehicles. The car boot and stalls kept the young and old alike entertained no doubt
Pictures by Nick Wilkin TOY Club member

The August Club Meet was a rather pleasant affair with a lovely Summer evening setting the scene for members to display their vehicles at a local Public House " The Victoria Inn " at Knights In The Bottom nr Chickerell . Members also enjoyed a barbecue and friendly chats .
Pictures by Nick Aplin and Nikki
Pictures by Nick Aplin and Nikki
RNLI Evening at the Nothe on 29th July

On a sunny evening the TOY club went along and displayed a number of classic cars, which included no less than ' three generations ' of the Rover car ! These included Anton Harler's P4 100 Rover, Will Hampshire's P5 Rover and Nick Wilkin's P6 Rover all in superb condition. Pete Trowbridge brought along his lovely Jaguar, the club Chairman gave his 1935 Beardmore Taxi Cab a night out and his 1958 Morris Minor convertible driven by Martin.
The cars attracted a lot of interest during the evening, other cars included a nice TR6 owned by Dave Warwick. A very enjoyable evening out for the club.
Pictures courtesy of Nick Wilkin TOY Club member.
The cars attracted a lot of interest during the evening, other cars included a nice TR6 owned by Dave Warwick. A very enjoyable evening out for the club.
Pictures courtesy of Nick Wilkin TOY Club member.
Durrington Village Show & Classic Vehicle Gathering 21st July

The village of Durrington came to life for the weekend with the Annual Village Show which included a Duck Race and live music on the Saturday followed by the ever popular Classic Vehicle Gathering on the Sunday. Organiser John Todd, who supported our TOY Show this year with his Dumper truck gathered 500 entries this year which included Cars, Commercials, Tractors, Motorcycles, Steam engines and more !
TOY members supported including our Reporter Rob Nichols with his Triumph GT6 and club Treasurer Mike Nicholls with one of his classic cars. The success of this event is wonderful to hear and lets hope 2014 will be just as good !
Pictures by Rob Nichols for TOY Club
TOY members supported including our Reporter Rob Nichols with his Triumph GT6 and club Treasurer Mike Nicholls with one of his classic cars. The success of this event is wonderful to hear and lets hope 2014 will be just as good !
Pictures by Rob Nichols for TOY Club

On a lovely summers day TOY Club members gathered at School Hill in Chickerell
and drove through the Dorset countryside to the village of Piddlehinton to support the local Church Fete . On arrival we were met with a rather difficult river ford which saw the cars axle deep in water and very rocky conditions.
The cars then formed a static display and the members all joined in with the fun and games of the event. The star of the show was “Bruce” who is Nikki's dog and he walked away with 3 rosette's in the dog show, a first ,second and third prize.
On leaving after the event the cars were guided through the gardens to avoid the dreaded ford which claimed so many exhaust systems in the past, ee did not want to tempt “Fete” a second time.
Pictures by Nikki (Click to enlarge)
and drove through the Dorset countryside to the village of Piddlehinton to support the local Church Fete . On arrival we were met with a rather difficult river ford which saw the cars axle deep in water and very rocky conditions.
The cars then formed a static display and the members all joined in with the fun and games of the event. The star of the show was “Bruce” who is Nikki's dog and he walked away with 3 rosette's in the dog show, a first ,second and third prize.
On leaving after the event the cars were guided through the gardens to avoid the dreaded ford which claimed so many exhaust systems in the past, ee did not want to tempt “Fete” a second time.
Pictures by Nikki (Click to enlarge)
The TOY Club show pictures are on the SHOWTIME page.
The weather for our Classics on the Prom was decidedly unsettled with drizzle off and on all morning,although it did improve as the day went on.
The damp start did put many members off from supporting the event, however the bulldog spirit clicked in and we did have a small display of vehicles whose owners braved the weather. Martin stood out in the poor weather conditions and continued to do his best to push the Raffle Ticket sales despite the conditions.So our thanks to Martin for his efforts.
WE closed the show down at 4pm,and all made our way home. Thanks to all the members who came down to the Clock Tower and displayed their cars,and also to Andy and Sue Webb who came along with their Ford Popular and took this picture for us.
A few photos from the day by Andy and Gregg ( Click to enlarge)
The damp start did put many members off from supporting the event, however the bulldog spirit clicked in and we did have a small display of vehicles whose owners braved the weather. Martin stood out in the poor weather conditions and continued to do his best to push the Raffle Ticket sales despite the conditions.So our thanks to Martin for his efforts.
WE closed the show down at 4pm,and all made our way home. Thanks to all the members who came down to the Clock Tower and displayed their cars,and also to Andy and Sue Webb who came along with their Ford Popular and took this picture for us.
A few photos from the day by Andy and Gregg ( Click to enlarge)

After a few years without this popular event it was re- started for 2013 and they were blessed with fine weather with a fine selection of cars at a popular tourist attraction of the Seaton Tramway. Club member Andy Collier went along in his MG TD and here are a few pictures of his visit.

The Wessex Car Show formerly known as the ' Wessex Classic Car Show ' moved to a new venue this year, Lulworth Castle giving the event a far better surrounding for this kind of event. Several TOY members supported the show on a nice sunny day, Pictures are kindly provided by Rob Nichols.
37th Annual Rally West Dorset Vintage Tractor & Stationary Engine club
8th/9th JUNE

This years rally was on a new site a few hundred yards along the road at the Melplash Show site, blessed with fine weather the weekend was enjoyed in the usual manner. The Auction sale got under way early on the Saturday and was still going well by mid afternoon !
TOY members were in attendance with cars, lorries, STEAM and Stationary engines over the two days. Lots to see and there was plenty of interest for all the family from what I could see of my visit to this years rally. The Wessex Birds Of Prey was among the arena entertainment as well as the vehicle parades throughout the day. Next years dates are 14th & 15th June 2014 for their 38th rally.
Nick Aplin
(Pictures by Nick Aplin (Click to enlarge)
TOY members were in attendance with cars, lorries, STEAM and Stationary engines over the two days. Lots to see and there was plenty of interest for all the family from what I could see of my visit to this years rally. The Wessex Birds Of Prey was among the arena entertainment as well as the vehicle parades throughout the day. Next years dates are 14th & 15th June 2014 for their 38th rally.
Nick Aplin
(Pictures by Nick Aplin (Click to enlarge)

The June meeting was held at School Hill on a dry and sunny evening and members enjoyed a barbecue and fascinating talk on the work of "assisting dogs" who are trained to help people with disabilitys, Kiri an 11year old German Shepherd came out of retirement to show members just how clever she was.
Many members drove their classics to the meet an a static display of vehicles were shown in the show field , Tiff displayed a bag of ferrous oxide and tried to convince everyone that it was actually a 1969 Morris Minor.
Many members drove their classics to the meet an a static display of vehicles were shown in the show field , Tiff displayed a bag of ferrous oxide and tried to convince everyone that it was actually a 1969 Morris Minor.

The Annual Pecorama Classic Car Show is a very popular event for classic car owners, and held at the Pecorama at Beer venue situated on the South Coast is an ideal venue.
TOY members support this event well and among the club cars was Mike Nicholls Jaguar, Rob Nichols Triumph GT6, Alan Halford's MGB, to name a few ! The good weather helped to make the day even better, so I am sure everyone will be looking forward to next years show.
Pictures by Rob Nichols
TOY members support this event well and among the club cars was Mike Nicholls Jaguar, Rob Nichols Triumph GT6, Alan Halford's MGB, to name a few ! The good weather helped to make the day even better, so I am sure everyone will be looking forward to next years show.
Pictures by Rob Nichols

The WVPS 25th Dorset Tour 26th May The weather was perfect to celebrate the 25th Anniversary Dorset Tour recently, several TOY members supported the event, including Terry Lewis with his Royal Enfield Motorcycle ( Terry won a trophy for this later in the day! ), Andy & Maureen Symes went along with their Ford Anglia and joining them were Dave & Sally Williams with their Triumph TR. Will & Vron Aplin supported with their 1960 Hillman Minx ( later they won the ' Best Unrestored Car )
Around 60 cars took part in the Tour that took the drivers over the Purbecks before returning back to Lodmoor Country Park for the afternoon Tea and cake. Everyone had a good day.
Around 60 cars took part in the Tour that took the drivers over the Purbecks before returning back to Lodmoor Country Park for the afternoon Tea and cake. Everyone had a good day.

DTFC Community Fun Day 26th May This years Fun Day at ' The Great Field ' on Poundbury in Dorchester was blessed with a sunny warm day for the first time for this event ! Although many TOY members were at events further afield a few members did support with their cars, these included Carle with his 1935 Beardmore Taxi, Doug & Pru Elmes with their Austin 7 (1936), Will & Val Hampshire with their 1969 Rover P5, Brent & Sue Gillard with their A60 Cambridge. Len & Milly Watts also was there with the steam engine ' Miss Jodie Brown ' which they have rallied since its completion in 1988. Also on show was a nice Land Rover, a Scammell lorry of 1953.
A guest from the Dorset Car Club from Poole came in an American car. Steve Westaway from Dorchester was another miniature steam engine owner who supported this years event. Entertainment soon got underway with the ABC Line Dancers. The various stalls and other music later in the day made a great day out in Dorchester. I am sure we will be invited back for their 2014 Fun Day.
Nick Aplin
A guest from the Dorset Car Club from Poole came in an American car. Steve Westaway from Dorchester was another miniature steam engine owner who supported this years event. Entertainment soon got underway with the ABC Line Dancers. The various stalls and other music later in the day made a great day out in Dorchester. I am sure we will be invited back for their 2014 Fun Day.
Nick Aplin

The Three Okeford's Annual Rally Sunday 19th May This popular annual rally is held in the Dorset village of Shillingstone not far from near by Blandford, and as previous years was very well supported by local enthusiasts with their Steam Engines, Tractors, Cars etc. to exhibit for the 2 day event. TOY members supported both days, these included Len & Milly watts with their Austin K4 lorry ( Saturday only ), Brent & Sue Gillard with their Austin Cambridge, John Parkes with his MG TD, Will Aplin with his 1960 Hillman Minx, Peter & Jill Horsley with their Morris Minor, Brian Jones with his MG B, Mike Nicholls with his Mini plus others who I am sure enjoyed this friendly country rally.
Each day ring parades took place, plus displays by the Adams Axemen . Commercial vehicles, Military and Stationary Engines also made up for the great selection of vehicles and machinery to see. The Tractor pulling was again taking place and was as popular as ever. There was a great Steam line up this year with well over 30 engines in total including miniatures. A few spots of rain certainly didn't dampen the day at Shillingstone, all in all a great time was had by all.
Next years dates are 17th / 18th May 2014 ! Nick Aplin
Each day ring parades took place, plus displays by the Adams Axemen . Commercial vehicles, Military and Stationary Engines also made up for the great selection of vehicles and machinery to see. The Tractor pulling was again taking place and was as popular as ever. There was a great Steam line up this year with well over 30 engines in total including miniatures. A few spots of rain certainly didn't dampen the day at Shillingstone, all in all a great time was had by all.
Next years dates are 17th / 18th May 2014 ! Nick Aplin

This year saw yet another sunny day for this popular event held on Poole Quay, around 15 engines were in attendance, slightly down on last year, but never the less a good attraction for the public to enjoy seeing these engines running along the Quay side and kids could enjoy a ride as well ! Richard Knott always at this event with his Foden Steam lorry plus his superb miniature fair organ playing some wonderful music. The Steam car of Richard's was also seen at this years event. Everyone seemed to enjoy the friendly atmosphere that this event provides, and I am sure many will return again in 2014. Nick Aplin
Pictures by Nick Aplin (click to enlarge)
Pictures by Nick Aplin (click to enlarge)

Our May seafront display was another great success with many club members displaying their vehicles on the prom at Weymouth, and as always this event is held to raise funds for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Members met at 10am and as usual the public flocked to the display with cameras clicking and talk of bygone motoring , and also giving support to the air ambulance by buying draw tickets.
Members met at 10am and as usual the public flocked to the display with cameras clicking and talk of bygone motoring , and also giving support to the air ambulance by buying draw tickets.

Martin and Carle
The May meeting got under way with the TOY club AGM which saw a few changes this year. Nick Aplin has stood down as vice chairman this year and will be taking a well earned rest from the post he has held since 1999 , Nick will continue to edit the excellent club magazine THE TOY TIMES he will also be organising the hardy country classic tour.
Another change this year is the membership secretary as Maureen steps down after three years in the job. Sally Williams has stepped in to the position and we wish her well in the new job.
On a lighter note our guest speaker for the evening was Martin Fielding a VET from Yorkshire and later from Dorset who gave a very entertaining talk about his experiences as a vet, which proved very funny and he amused members with his stories .
Another change this year is the membership secretary as Maureen steps down after three years in the job. Sally Williams has stepped in to the position and we wish her well in the new job.
On a lighter note our guest speaker for the evening was Martin Fielding a VET from Yorkshire and later from Dorset who gave a very entertaining talk about his experiences as a vet, which proved very funny and he amused members with his stories .